Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Who.s Gone Stupid List or, How the World of Entertainment is Evolving


Who.s Gone Stupid List or, How the World of Entertainment is Evolving

what it means to be a US citizen in 2022


from my facebook page, Alex Maffei - Aidan- 

What It Means to be a US Citizen in 2022,column 7.12.2022

creating a Who.s Gone Stupid list, share the latest as you would a news clip with friends and family of exactly who.s slipped off the planet to join the VIP black list crowd. Meet up, discuss over coffee and crumb cake as follows:

- you know, in 70s film books there was only one Hollywood backstabber: Elias Kazan-

-...No, Maude was never involved in trade offs...-

- No, NO. It was on January 3, 2005 about 7 minutes in the intro of laurie Anderson.s Lou Reed and Garcia Lorca.Two Poets.  conference at New York Public Library.-

- is Laurie Anderson Jewish?" 

today.s special: Norman Mailer.s very own Village Voice.s Sylvia Plathy, no, Plathy,Plathy, you know,the poignant street photos nooooo, that was Amy Arbus. Right.well, were her photographs poignant and realistic? I seem to think they were, weren.t they? whatHAAAAVEyou, whathaveyou...

then you go to the event and clock exactly how long it takes for her to stop making sense in episcopalian.

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