Saturday, July 2, 2022

LINER NOTES : to catch a White/ Macy.s thief

liner notes, 7.2.2022

To Catch a Thief :

1. you have an interest in music;

2. In the privacy of your life, you play Watch That Man, it.s hyperdope, you think the ultimate rock n roll party song, citations even from that common lou reed/ david bowie strain of love for twang and chang chukka chukka chukka, think some  southern bands play it so stiff and bored and repeated like a preppy gang caught spying  in gold lame short she can.t wait to get out of before she crises, bowie.s arrangement is just one verse, then switch to another, quick, and another, and another, all different and carrying;

3. The morning starts with bigot zombo sonar noise  BLARING in your ears when you wake, repeating your thought from 5.00am to 10.25, in my case still can hear it but why pay attention when we all have better things to do? 

4. iman gets involved. your take on the song is wrong, suspect, and full of metal mental malaise, so she calls the captain of the nearest precinct to report you.

5.then she calls keanu reeves, who will take you for about 4,000.00 smackers, you know, as the membership for joining his charity so you can start your own small business, ethical in that it follows,overall, the concern - kidnapped children and their cultural rescue, you both have, wow,what an opportunity to create a better world and with keanu reeves in it too!

6. next she calls angie bowie in of all places, Georgia, who wants to set your house on fire just to do, iman decides she does too, this after she left Bowie after he flashed a fascist salute, when it was a reference to the english civil war, as depicted even on a The Newyorker cover involving resistance and solidarity with others during the height of the covid crisis, AND after even I.m Afraid of Americans and after she sold to Victoria and Albert Museum through Brooklyn Museum tickets no one could avoid paying to see not Bowie s work but his scrapbook collection, this from a composer author of extreme removal dispossession from  real property and a critique of home invasions like Bewlay Brothers - not everybody converts to General Company Town Store to provide Beyonce with arsenic for her next KILL ALEX venture into both a national anthem and a rehash of old hits with lady gaga in a diner through   CAA policies;

7. then the precinct dachshund inaugurates a new hunting season under the caption ALEX IS INSANE , covered by Bowie in Aladdin Sane, overall especially in the piano piece;

8. So now I have to take the time to...away from time better applied for...and deal with a horror on my small business rentals first floor apartment sticking gas tubing in front of my garage at 4646 bell blvd bayside 11361, dangling teeevee cable wires by the basement door, refusing to give me her name and yet another incarnation of daughter of tenant as mother,only person seen twice since approaching for rent in December 2021, not seeing any rent since 2018 I found out after my mother died in December, being told to return what  I stole, her " father.s " memento, and used to threaten her " uncle " , I asked what did I steal, she said you know what, said they.d leave at end of month, said they.d leave by July 10th, said they had the rent money under manny adimiketakis/ adikimenakis at remax 159 northern blvd, I said why I.m the landlord, are still there, will not pay, want they keys to the front door of the house, which I left unlocked, won.t give me keys to the apartment door in, called the cops to force me to give to two never seen before tenants the keys, I said filing for eviction with notice to cure and pay rent,  and...who has someone show up in a car outside my house while I.m cleaning the backyard at about 7.30am - by now I.m so trammeled with harassers and death threats I gauged how long it took the clean up which included cleaning the cracks between paved cement,  watering and weeding the yard from the time of something being shouted in dialogue form to an ALEX by a female youth with a nazi desert rommel special greek colonel cap on, it took me one and a half hours, only to be almost concluded at 8.30am by horror from 197.37/39 misnumbered 35/37 out saying to some guy who fell off his rubber landing front porch that I weeded for her, laundry,yielding my refusal, and a blunt statement I don.t even know her, and she.s scary;

9. lafayette / ming indentured slavery torture  brothel comes out as caretakers from 27/29 and as they have been doing no thanks to Linda Bengliss, Art Forum critic living at 222 bowery where Old Bull Lee Burroughs lived, working slowly, steadily toward allegations of collusion with both for a quick trip from North × NorthWest to both a homeless shelter and the Australian Outback, without a water bottle to hydrate,for about a week,a month,a blanching my bones year by way of private steerage from glen cove parochial and the UN- oh wait, the Usual Suspects meets The Constant Gardener, never seen once in the film;

10. coming from a mother dedicated to constant abuse for " una chiesa cattolica ed apostolica" to secure a papal visit for her sisters, which landed me falsely arrested and kidnapped multiple times told things are no longer the same since your father,who was stupid died, being told crazy,being chased by her with letters to me mentioning a need to become a bigot or else, being being, 

I gotta go. Gotta go and eat a panino with cheese and ask con ed not to aid the pipe bombers with open garages at second house SW of 211th street and 50th avenue by removing whatever the fuck is in front of my garage,which now developed yellow wiring dangling as well. 



Iman who puts aluminum in her midnight blue velvet kohl pencil, Iman who sells products under name Iman, Iman connected to Bowie by marriage, Iman connected to a Bowie audience not exactly unaware of BPA free issues, etc.


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