Monday, January 23, 2023

liner notes: a dead john cale resuscitates for a recording backed by nazi brothel administration miloni


liner notes: a dead john cale resuscitates for an album backed by nazi brothel italian administration miloni government through patrizia sammartino.

I threw out all my  rock stuff since john cale who should be dead, is instead written in the new york times as being responsible for another recording, and that started another real property and financial takeover for a european royal including decibel sonar and radar/ laser violence in my own home. 

this also  through mons, grace episcopalian, counter.revolutionary methodist/ muslim ventures sacred heart, current Italian administration and three filthy line of concentration child kidnapping cannibal trash : emma fasano, patrizia sammartino and franca de geronimo, department of education, Italy spies.

sammartino was instrumental in preying for who Bertoldt Brecht denounced as a Lucy Brown hunter - which turned out to be both david bowie and mick jagger. and local terrorist police - like sammartino in the ukraine, with her death squad : understand the eagles and jane fonda in this context, please - now zelenhy.s legalizing the ramones in the ukraine as a would be jew - lou reed a gambino soldier instead- mitch mc connell/ george w bush.s cannibal child killing racket through the leon, notably maria, and jon stewart, a liebowitz human scalp wearing family with william and mary, and sargeant o. leary connections in brooklyn. 


I kept durutti column, a running joke on english crown for ever joining twentieth century world wars on the side of constitutional democracy, cabaret voltaire and a recording of english civil war inspired punk rock punk as a wooden stick used to light a fire.

When it comes down to it, I don.t want to keep in my house a recording of our music made by brian eno , who turns out to be an arranged sociopsychopath who when a bird trusted him, he.s rip off its wings and eat its head off, thinking that.s a - wreck less abandon- thing to do. 

I.m through, I have instruments it takes nothing to record music these days, goodbye.

You cross my path, you better run.
Looking through pop music from the 50s on and warhol should limit itself to trying to retrace who they stole everything from.

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