Tuesday, September 28, 2021

The Next Web : Suburban Nissan Uptight Company Man and La Day Hamilton


The New American Gothic Rockwell for the Next Web 9.28.2021



the next fashion web takeover monopoly,leave no prisoners behind look.above.

 the way I - below- sit at I Think cafe. is too outrageously revolutionary.it.s drawing one early 20s in to take a look, like my cell.s name got a guy to look at my screen for its make.

the US is unrecognizable.


Sunday, September 26, 2021

clintonian chemical attack: whitestone di sopra conquesting auburndale di sotto

  9.26.2021 same as what hit me three days past in my studio and on the Q76 bus to jamaica.

It.s beginning to blow down here.buses in collusion heighten the humidity to increase the burn.s effectiveness.

It itches like a bacterial attack and burns something horrible, but topically. awful. 

whitestone says it.s happened since time began when any " clinton gets mad" - so, stands to reason clinton.s expanding again, like he did 28 years ago.the skull guy next door at 27/29 45th got new plumbing about that time, my mother switched ours in dad.s house from right to left in the basement in bayside hills under mittler cover.

meditation: jacobin club 1789/1791-1791/1795

 1789/1791 - separation of powers

1791/1795 - free market economy, robespierre declares himself a god, fusion of powers.

every day nutrition in our age of royal vitriol

  this is my lunch today:

1. potato: 

Material meant to mother a seed of sorts, stocked with nutrition for the sole purpose of growing a new life form, different from itself ;

2. bread, Italian:

 content that won.t kill you is harder and harder to find locally and inordinately expensive last loaf was $3.99.my snap for one person is $177.00 and if I.m lucky, an additional $95.00.I just checked the snap for a single pregnant woman it.s 6, 7  times that much.where is my money going? I didn.t even see the $137.00 over the board biden increase in a vision. This since 1990. my snap was even just $40.00 a month back then.

material  made of elements to support the gestation and growth of any new being, including me, for which I thank it.

3. an apple: 

another food stuff meant to feed a seed into a plant, so a new life;

4. one zucchini, yellow. 

a vegetable containing seeds to nourish them or me into a full-grown idea; 

5. olive oil, first pressing. 

from the outer coating of a seed meant to grow itself in a tree or my nervous system into health; 

6. mushrooms. little spore carriers made to feed whoever.s hungry with material put together for that purpose by tiny little nutritional hostesses of the vegetable world...

7. peanuts. a nut packed with material meant exclusively for consumption to nourish, heal and grow.

8. oranges and lemons.meant not only to nourish a little seed or me into another day of growth, but to knock out any disease or infection with citric acid, used and listed in method antibacterial sprays as 99percent effective- this is not their infomertial, their product works for me and I find it less noxious than other sprays.mint and citrus are tolerable as aromas. lavender is confusing.

9. ground meat. not a seed.s sustainment but an animal on its own, not meant to share itself as food with anyone including itself.

Is this healthy?

do lions necessarily have to eat red meat?

are cats little venomous sicari of birds and godlike madonnas, who sounded the alarm against them and waterways in the middle ages, only to force them to sit on their faces to train their tongues for royal titillations, but suffocated instead for over.pressing the cat against their own airways? 

what culture created such a depth of want and lack and need as to make this consumption unremarkable and acceptable?

Are our systems able to sustain themselves effectively without meat? 

why aren.t these issues addressed in the nutritional label, on how effective consumption of foodstuffs is to the proper functioning and growth of a body?

better me than an animal hater at the supermarket, as I think of it. but still, I think I.d find a more peaceful state of mind and who knows what growth if I didn.t eat anything slaughtered, or human placenta if it could be substituted by unfertilized eggs, milk - also meant to support a new, developing body, better if external to itself;

how about minerals? how they.re gathered, how they.re processable in food? Shouldn.t my body and the mineral be happy at the thought of meeting, and working with each other toward a little party and a new experimental level in a new arena of someone else.s contention? 

and greens? why am I and  why are sheep eating someone else.s lung ? Is this reasonable? Can romaine salad, even grass, grow into a tree if untrammeled and we eat its fruit?  why do I get the sharky feeling someone.s going to start a shouting feast to fast my brain by bashing  shouts in derision and virulence my way?

Can you go vegetarian without necessarily dying of protein deficiency at 44? 

La Quaestio Superstar...

Saturday, September 25, 2021

Friday, September 24, 2021

Thursday, September 23, 2021

flood watch night new york city

flood watch night nyc 9.23.2021

heat on from summer to fall 2021

 9.23.2021 at 8.50am

88 degrees in my studio buildings refuses assistance since july 2021.


 at metropolitan museum of art, and at american museum of natural history staff, visitors are being seized,locked into rooms and poisoned with chemical weapons.


draw attention to self, shout. 

extreme enmity 

categorized as " republican" or the US as a Republic 9.23.2021

Turner 1799. self.portrait


broccoletti in a tight soup

 broccoli rabe

water to steam the same, iodized salt

when tender, add crumbled ground meat, or precooked cannelloni or roman beans, along with EVOO - extra virgin olive oil-

in the bottom of a bowl put half a cinnamon bagel. 

wait to semicool and then eat.

tips: if you.re in a hurry for calcium grab a no growth hormone milk.it.s take you forever and then some to read the ingredients and put back on the shelves because of this nazifying of new york confederate royalist notables-, such as the cunningham for milk and diseases spread through bad processees associated with dairy: td, bronchitis, pneumonia, and covid.

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Mid to Late 19th century auxiliary temperance team concerns

 with this in mind,

apply to an of several understandings of jonathan swift.s a modest proposal

extreme duress at lodgings, labor exclusion, removal, prejudice

 facebook refuses to post art from abstract nations dot blogspot dot com because it considers my blog -spam- 9.22.2021


twitter blocks my art for abstract nations account; 

photos stolen three times from cell since july 2021;

facebook still hasn.t cleared false accusations parallel to the ruses used by invading crown to be rid of local citizens, and governmental jobs held by competency, similar to what was done to Dante Alighieri because one of his sources in a nazi fascist napoleonic, constitutional passer involved in extreme prejudice: maria leon.

jews using their nazi ties to falsely arrest and send to concentration camps: during ww2 used" communist":

jonathan buchsbaum capturing for same circuit queens college, CUNY african american students for extreme prejudice in shelters.maria leon contact;

paul simon - italian gedi publishing, the new york times, campbell english crown collusion,  concealed nazi consultant for star wars saga;

michael bloomberg - congratulates bill clinton of human hunt that brought a small kitten in my life, soon "a dead cat".

I find picture found surfing the web presented as - my story -at 10.17am 9.22.2021

posts re: montauk not only removed from this blog , access a @ForAbstract, but wiped off of my phone.3 times since july 2021.bourbon english, italian genocidal crown responsible

stolen along with phone at sole. beach, then in transit, then on 14th street. since july 2021.

seems like the same scottish/ english crowd involved that stole my father.s work.

emma fasano allora si mette in moto.

what.s left...

work 9.20.2021; 9.21.2021


work: 9.20.2021; 9.21.2021


Tuesday, September 21, 2021

descartes beheading technique was the beheading of swedish crown with counter.reformation ties, obsessed with small, healthy, ethical business

 especially pirate concerns, fights against greek tyranny.

synaesthesia : Fontana, Baudelaire, Vuillard

 "Vuillard understood Baudelaire.s synesthesia of  one sense into another,  into visual qualities and into the fullness of music performed." 

"Lucio Fontana, spatialism: a synthesis of color, sound, space, movement, and time".