Friday, December 30, 2022

more mergers , column

our flag in our deployment against octavian augustus - doric greek free cities

langue d.oil, persecution

Dutch Schultz and Lucky Luciano were military Dept of Defense, much like Lee Harvey Oswald, and deployed.

newark new jersey conlon- kennedy, clinton , irs dewey - leopold of hapsburg dutch slave trade downtown nyc - were confederate trash.invebted transcript. 

Whitey Bulgur was targeted by the leon, cannibal trade: extreme prejudice for same reasons.

Just found out, from sandra marzella, hughues same side as conlon,dewey: "disfunction" term used by them  means any wounding, permanent - to my eye, caused by incident and maybe post incident in sleep- or temporary through lines of concentration, as sketched by Leonardo da Vinci.

Last Words of Dutch Schultz: This is Insane

today.s copy 12.30.2022 @ 12.01pim

What it means to be a US citizen in almost 2023 or a Bayside NYC homeowner

principles of art history, column : lorenzo de medici - quant.e. bella giovinezza

- quant.e. bella giovinezza, che si fugge tuttavia
del doman non c.e. certezza, chi vuol essere lieto sia- lorenzo de medici

a notorious child cannibal conquest type 
1. a torture, king maker extreme hate -   provencal v. crown orleans persecution, then swabian  ca. 1100 quant.e. : conte. for the traumatized it means count but also tale, hell, even newspaper or ad clip, like, oh say...
2. si : extreme belief,  unaccented means si yes, provencal languages were known as langue d.oc and langue d.oil, with oil, oc meaning yes. Accented or christ torture makers, it.s halved from cosi' meaning also so, as a consequence,  in the manner of, like the termination - ish in english, such as "Jewish" or " newish" or another variant meaning - and- a democratic conjunction of equal equiparation between nouns ,  used in  sentence structure used by the poets of the Dolce Still Novo and by indigenous crown english capture cannibal hunt  support " dogs" as " dulce" did that to me once - reminds me of de foe.s prose in its detail of things in journal of the plague years- 
AND also HEDGWIG.S ISAAC almost sacrificed as a burnt offering - my ass- by pop. was it Abraham?  lorenzo used to get his rocks off shutting people in churches during services and degutting pregnant women to eat the infant. The latter occasionally appears, to this day, in newspaper stories doesn.t it?

Sunday, December 25, 2022

impossible to post photos.blocked by lower race circuit. 12.25.2022 @ 7.07pm jena bush refuses me access to America.

nothing more to say.

" that.s my people there.I just want them to hate no good sow.I bet if you you eaten your mother. they did and good for them." 

jena bush set up a minor.s name aidan to kill me at 196.28 45th ave Auburndale nyc ny 11358.same kid involved in creating mobs to rush homeowners away from Independence Day celebrations and their homes.

I.m not forgiving this.

in memory of so many things

blogger not uploading my pictures to sell them to the white/ macy.s thanksgiving parade through its genocidal indian contact, female


what it means to be US citizens in 2022/2023

what it means to be a US citizen in 2022/2023

watch/ listen a series of drunken nuns cut a hit single for a local scene of poaching serfs to game you in a cannibal hunt.

What it means to be a US citizen in 2022/2023

determine sotheby.s equestrian architecture a poorly built reference to your own house, with several trick bathrooms attached to the foyer.

Friday, December 23, 2022

concentration camps for southern italians and disabled

miloni wants all southern italians disabled first in concentration camp-

miloni meridionali ,  disabili prima internati in campi di concentramento

23.12.2022 @ 7.00pm

lunch poems frank o hara

Frank O Hara : Lunch Poems

doesn.t it FEEL in a time zone away alternate existence from Frank, and the time when these poems were written? 

TNYT plans a collapse in the arts as war atrocity

Thursday, December 22, 2022

new york punk and axis collusion to Mons corrections, Belgium using Rimbaud as bait

below, done to my property by 4644 bell blvd , in continuation of mons belgium - contact.s adimiketakis, mons the prison hosting paul verlaine after altercation with rimbaud, no complaint made by rimbaud. verlaine.s behavior was extraconstitutional, or part of a defective circuit.

Monday, December 19, 2022



I would like to present the following issues, understanding that, what I refer to as 
"extreme" , " persecution" and " line of concentration"  are war atrocities.should you need clarification, contact the Office of I telligence and the Department of Defense, hell, X - files : 

1. There is an extreme hate, belief, prejudice development that has been working its way within europolitics since the clinton administration;

2. This trend has led to extensive persecution of all citizens, in particular US by way of line of concentration;

3. that this line has been decried, today, as engaged in by georgia miloni, and cohorts, who seized power in Italia on 9.25.2022 and 
has been using nazi terminology and greetings in the latest europarliament meet regarding the next budget;

4. that the intention of 3. is to seize ALL CITIZENS who she refers to as 
"disadapted" , citizens with psychological/ psychiatric  issues, even in the US and mass murder them : won.t you join that particular bandwagon. 

as a consequence I think it.s best to veer toward cannabis/ vitamin B and opium and  derivatives,  found by writers such as William Burroughs as having the least deleterious effect on human biology with the exception of addiction- for treatment of situations such as PTSD and involve the FDA in banning neuroleptics for damage done to the neurological system. thorazine was; 


engage citizens in education on war atrocities, to effectively  counteract them;


to declare   euthanasia, voluntary and involuntary, extraconstitutional, and redistrict US territory in states that have allowed for such legislation to pass,with the urgency this situation entails.


insure if needed home care doesn.t wear its scrubs outdoors or clunk a person with a residential address to seize its lodgings for a future sliding ease in blitzkriegging the US


I just don.t want to hear it ANYMORE.

good job on the trend for reduced stay in hospitals, 

Season.s Greetings,

Alex Maffei

Sunday, December 11, 2022

texture, material

white family.s spy karma martell, fort hamilton parkway - may as well be living in the now defunct Sutton Place Landfill- wants to know what I would do with this, to sell the idea, leave me with nothing etc. In my mind, which is advice that would turn them blue and kill a toddler for food, is that both cotton and wool blend are too stiff to wear so close to the skin but in a blend removing the wool because you can.t sanitize wash it to keep healthy - with some wool simile- so wool should be worked tenderly,delicately and worn close to the skin in a non polluted environment- possibly the stiffness - no crevices to bust your nails when cleaning - and stitching especially can be used as an impermeable textile to "rival" polyurethane in mock too soft and peels. use that where it doesn.t peel.

Friday, December 9, 2022

Monekin Rock Group Invading New York City for three Verona connected cannibal slave rings

Manekin Rock Group Crown Nazi in NYC on prowl with Marseillaise contingent for Yves St Laurent : intellectual theft two counts : pant leg through rock n roll south of Houston contingent, and my lighting in photography - cell, through white family / macy.s also- through southern france contingent - persecution by swabians ca.1100- that killed actor Jean Paul Belmondo  french citizen, profession actor: for being Italian, just recently.

My hand hurts like crazy so ace bandaged it.

Wednesday, November 30, 2022


MONS PRISON BELGIUM, USED FOR EUROPEAN/ PUTIN OLIGARCH UNIVOCAL EUTHANASIA: EPISCOPALIAN/ABYSSINIAN/ EUROPEAN NEW YORK ALTERNATIVE ROCK CIRCLES PATRIZIA SAMMARTINO- STEVE MILLER/ PATTI SMITH - NEW YORK PUNK- INVOLUNTARY EUTHANASIA. ALSO FOR COSSACK/ TZARIST BUSINESS TO GENOCIDE JEWS- WHAT BECAME AUSCHWITZ THROUGH PEOPLE LIKE ELAN PORTNOY - 3 MILLION RUSSIAN TROOPS WAR ATROCITIES AT AUSCHWITZ, THEN FOR THE PORTNOY FAMILY THE 50S BLACKLIST AND KOREAN WAR/ SAME AS CURRENT SITUATION. ADIMIKETAKIS BIN LADIN PATRIZIA SAMMARTINO BASE 4238 213TH STREET BAYSIDE NYC NY 11361 SHOWS SPY OF RIMBAUD.S FEATURES REVOLUTION 1848. SCREWED OVER BY SAME ARRANGEMENT AS MATTARELLA FAMILY ITALIAN PRESIDENT, Verlaine.s arrest was arbitrary by belgian police. Rimbaud resembles the BERGDORF/ GOODMAN family; was seen as an Inspiration for new york punk in the 70s. Mons prison also seems to have sino russian conflict contacts. Man with " dayan" lookalike is adimiketakis remax 159 northern blvd great neck ny and has fraudulent probate court proceedings against me. Cannibal trade of university students and artists in east village captained by cbgb's. " dayan" locksmith refused me service after adimiketakis/ mons prison - run by nuns- arranged to steal my bag and keys then place them at rite aid by northern blvd bell blvd. episcopalian grace church is in crown side independence war governor clinton whitestone area, clintonville st , and at peter zaremba postal tradeoff at cooper station 12th street - and 4th Ave. remember, palmer was vermeer.s last portrait plastic surgery for awhile - involved in chilean golpe.

feeding the rock world, column

feeding the rock workd, column The Hives: kill US citizens that look like them for swedish crown

Sunday, November 27, 2022


Alexandra Maffei 196.33 45th ave Auburndale NYC NY 11358 DOB 04.30.1959 tel.646.204.7294 NO MAIL ENTIRE WEEK AT 4646 BELL BLVD BAYSIDE NYC NY 11358 FROM 11.21-26.2022 adimiketakis remax 159 northern blvd nyc ny 11358 included property damage in connection to trespassers at 196.37/39 45th avenue auburndale nyc ny 11358 also infiltrated in 911, 111 PRECINCT, ENSLAVER LINE, claiming to be a detective, claiming one of three cases of mine his, another a patrol officer.s and a third, diramated the number for extreme abduction, removal and prejudice, claiming that the original complaint was no longer accessible to me, being in someone else.s name. To me he plans on substituting me. This rom a phone call made to the 111 precinct at about three on Friday November 25, 2022. FBI CONTACT WITH NAZI SLAVE TERRORIST OLIMPIA MARZELLA possibly DE CRISTOFARO, and ROSA CAVALLO, POSSIBLY DE CRISTOFARO, PROPERTY OF CHRISTOPHER HUGHUES AND JON DE GROU, with trespassers at 196.40 45th ave infiltrating department of defense ; in connection to state farm home insurance nick albernas northern blvd, utopia accesses trespass after murder of owner at 37/39 and is a direct contact of current enemy combatant police at 111 precinct NYPD through trespassers at 196 37/39 45th ave. All areas bacterial and full of mold. other houses in neighborhood: 196.36 45th ave , 196.32, 28, 60, 27/29. 196.22 44th ave, 196.26 44th. Also: never received ballot from the Italian Consulate for either Italian Government or European Elections. Last Italian 9.25.2022. please approach last issue with caution, as the government and its electoral support have adapted a policy of 0 US citizen survivors . FBI: shut down all complaints connected to me since in over 28 years you did not give me a complaint number or resolve issues other than strengthen your axis collaborationist ties to ENSLAVING and cannibal families. I hold myself non conversant with all agents involved in any investigation unresolved also through lack of communication in the fraud operated against two real properties of mine: 211.03 50 ave bayside hills nyc ny 11364 and 64 W Fenimore Street Valley Stream also reported to nassau county .s fifth precinct, with no reply in over a month. Courts: extend to federal a voidance of all court cases connected to enslaving operatives, connected to the enslavement of rosa cavallo, olimpia marzella to said families which include mark zuckerberg.s wife, proud of China.s colonializing military invasion of Taiwan. JEWISH ENSLAVER BLOCK SECEDED IN OCTOBER 2022 FROM THE US. REMOVE AMY ALTMAN FROM ANY PROCEDURE CONNECTED TO ME OR TO MY MOTHER, EMILIA MAFFEI WHO DIED ON 12.14.2021. enslaving team at amagansett hamptons has given plastic surgery to a woman to resemble my mother, to precipitate my slavery to the white / macy families through antonello florio-, emma fasano, both enemy combatants who feel now they have a state to call their own - since the Italian elections 9.25.2022. SHUT DOWN FRAUDULENT QUEENS NYC PROBATE CASE CONNECTED TO MY MOTHER. AS OF 11.21.2022 NO INDEX NUMBER OR CONTACT WAS MADE REGARDING PAPERWORK PRESENTED TO QUEENS SURROGATE COURT ON 10.26.2022: A MOTION TO VOID PROBATE CASE BECAUSE: 1. MY MOTHER DIED INTESTATE, I.M THE ONLY NEXT OF KIN. 2. THE FRAUDULENT WILL WAS SUBMITTED 6.29.2022. 3. THE JUDGE REFUSED A FEE WAIVER FOR A MOTION TO VOID BASED ON PREJUDICE.THE SAME TEAM UP CONTACTED THE HRA TO BLOCK FUNDS SO NOW I HAVE TO BEG ON THE STREETS FOR MONEY FOR BASICS. 3. NO INDEX NUMBER WAS ASSIGNED BY THE COURT OR CONTACT TO ME MADE BY QUEENS SURROGATE , QUEENS SUPREME FOR PAPERWORK PRESENTED TO QUEENS SURROGATE ON OCTOBER 26, 2022 TO NOVEMBER 26, 2022.

Saturday, November 26, 2022

Bertold Brecht- heroic distancing

A Call from the Grave

liner notes 11.26.2022 Bertold Brecht - A Call from the Grave Three Penny Opera in commiato, elezioni 25.9.2022 pd party hacking interferes with my listening to this.

Friday, November 25, 2022

The Importance of Being EArnest

WATCH OUT FOR RELATIVES REAL AND NOT: if persecuted into an excreta box based on looks, anything coordinating with left side of body , consult all data and play miss Julie by scandinavian author august strindberg. It should work out to right side of body or false arrest extreme abduction for extreme removal ibsen a doll.s house - nervine std- and for me two akas possibly as relatives one extreme removal australia kamilaroi people - and transportation in cars from nyc to Santa Monica: brecht - three penny opera. Lucy Brown- name killing daughter of scotland yard buffoon landed james joyce.s daughter in a psych hospital as a schizophrenic and once that a quick trip in a gassing van by nazis during world war two JENNY DIVER : MARX.S WIFE JENNY VON WESTPHALEN - please. Indigenous children abductions for cannibal meat. I.m going to fuck you up sooooo bad.

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

hunted by 111 precinct NYPD for crown coup through partito democratico

pd party, female, using line of concentration from Italy, in contact, for false arrests, child cannibal and extreme removal unit : female lieutenant, cover for mittler, nazi german ultra right party in formation; po baron, a pd contact coordinating child kidnappings and cannibalism of pd party here in the US with Italian immigration heritage clubs with oodles of child statuary in area. the party was a success there due to the club.s british protectorate background, recognizing bressani as the son of a hapsburg prince, and the episcopalian serial slaughter contingent upstairs. started about 1.00am. ending, in view of my writing this, possibly, at 7.43am

what it means to be a US Citizen in 2022

when applying, to evaluate whether harvard university can harm you less as an alumni either in not full support of cryptocurrency or as a woman or both.

Friday, November 18, 2022


fraud, publishing: 

code: calamandrei, piero: the rosetta stone of complicated relationships within writers, publishers and straightforward textual alterations to claim author was anything and everything other than he was, to insert lynch mob pleasers sharing views and genocidal ops against the name: Piero Calamandrei, or, earlier, Dante Alighieri


refused fascist citizenship, antifascist during world war two, intellectual, lectured Harvard University.

just like indro montanelli, a fascist  journalist was ripristinated as communist during the berlusconi maastricht univocal, and now shows fascists resembling him at Rainews24, now Calamandrei as a name, to kill and alter writings of constitutionalist , egalitarian writers is making an appearance.

Please cut n paste and pass on to ALL PUBLISHERS WORLD WIDE.

this is EPOCHAL, since they started using scottish last names for intellectual theft,  crown coupist.

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Automatic Payments from Banks at risk

automatic payments from banks at risk from marzella/ hughues new york in connecticut/ boston, massachusetts. work through neighborhood contact: 196.32 45th ave Auburndale/ Flushing NYC NY 11358 ; Inside bank job: bank of america, bell blvd, slightly north of northern which may have repercussions on Merryl Lynch financial portfolios; Businesses: The New York Times.refuses to send bills, will doctor account ; at and t, direct tv : anticipated payment post facto from November 5, 2022 to November 2, 2022 to ruin credit for now; document, deed burners: neighbors, 196 37/39 45th ave Auburndale/ Flushing area, 11358; Collusion within NYPD : 111 precinct NYPD did not look into any complaint if open fire burning from 37/39 at 37/39 and more, since 2010.

italian movimento cinque stelle organizing groups to colonize US, extreme removal, prejudice

Italian movimento cinque stelle , a cover for reaction to late 1700s wars of independence through extreme hate,extreme belief begin to organize local group presence members through "president" conte, who boasted of cannibalizing my father, post mortem, for being american. Williamsburg inserted florio- automotive, arts, diplomacy Chamberlain, culture goebbels, bourbon crown/ fasano - extreme abduction, Joe Pesce - plan on colonizing US. Hochul NY GOV welcomes them. 11.15.2022 @ 11:35am

Loss of life, substance extreme threat residential areas, in US

loss of life, substance extreme threat residential areas: for same euthanasia/ cannibal markets in Italia, Vermont, Maine, Washington DC , Colorado, Hawaii, New Jersey, Washington, California: New York City: East Village, Manhattan; Brooklyn: Greenpoint, Williamsburg, Bushwick. organized by current arts residents, in Greenpoint peter zaremba, marilla palmer: music, visual, film/ theater: hollywood. They arrange loss of substance within juridical, through false arrests. Zaremba/ Palmer.s contact to liquidate real property is donald trump and george w bush, jena bush hagen. areas heavily infiltrated by crown spies, and considered the most liberal worldwide. Use of line of concentration then seizure also through psych.

sodium bicarbonate/ baking soda in powder: use to cleanse cooking utensils

it also works to remove tarnish from incredible. products available on the market are full of noxious chemicals.

sketchbook: part of profits to education

lynch mob, coffee and cigarettes news, 11.27.2022 @ 5.28am

their reality, by way of line of concentration: I.m a terrorist NY governor hochul: this state is far too liberal when it comes to Alex Maffei; US president biden: Is she a terrorist? YES!!! Then kill her! Last 24 hours: Your house is more be; a Spanish citizen; English crown: how is it possible one person AND A WOMAN owning a house and LIVING ALONE! black plague scare; Threats of bacterial infection; contributions from the ' liberal' East Village mindset: She.s a pedophile; Richard Hell: I.m for Patti Smith in this.we don.t want you here! Well, I.m with the people in this! Who knows, maybe I.ll run for elections! Patti Smith: no I will! I have more political preparation than you, Richard! Richard Hell fan constituency: we don.t want you in the East Village because Italian. No Spanish okay.but Italian? And German? And poor? Oh no we have to skim off the fat of countless millions of citizens Richard Hell and Patti Smith have passed information about throughout the years. The Strand bookstore: we want them gone! The poor and the ethnic! We want english crown to read our books not you! Biden: I overall agree with this! Oh okay, you run! What.s the use.she.s a woman, how far can she get with this Italy? Miloni, position varied within the Italian administration, all in one president, premier and house whip: I am a woman and... Richard Hell: a privy reply, and on and on... I.m here pointing a gun to your head; When will she run? Insistence I kill children, small ferals and tenants for the big boss nextdoor; I threaten her daily with death threats! I. m with the marines on this! So what we kill children nobody wants! - last spring/ summer: I.m with the FBI in this! Biden: well, using certified techniques to stop this thing... 196.40 45 ave Auburndale/ flushing nyc ny 11358 East Village, the terrorist claimants in Auburndale: WE HATE YOU UKRAINE! YOU.RE SO POOR! WHAT IS A RESIDTANCE MOVEMENT FOR BUT TO PASS AS DEMOCRATS AT THE END TO REINSERT AND DO IT AGAIN! john lydon, first punk rock wave - content: citizens opposing administration connected extraconstitutional exclusions from work, based on civil rights: yeah, right! England to the English! Do they know Europe is also exclusionary? reply: no I don.t think so,we can book them on flights, have them done in by putin, then seize their estates and split among us! It.ll be solid takings... OH, MY GOD! SHE.S REPEATING THIS VERBATIM! Let.s say she.s spying on us! Biden: there I.m good... Biden, contacted by Ukrainian President: well, we don.t want to support you.I spoke to several generals, ready to withdraw our support and let Kiev fall.are you ready to split the take? My reality: on my front door stoop enjoying early morning with an espresso and a cigarette, thinking: door stoop bistro, with a smile on my face, prepping to start the day with the trillion things I have to do that been addressed by agencies, businesses and federal ,such as: where is my latest covid payment? And why hasn.t my phone ring for two telephone interviews with the HRA? No sweat, I.ll just reschedule... and, wow, winter.s here.I just turned on the heat at 62 degrees fresh! 11.15.2022 @ 5.16am

Monday, November 14, 2022

support pets : network includes genocidal torture and cannibalization

support pets informers of who requests or values emotional support animals or service animals. line of concentration, for extreme prejudice, then removal: RE: mail, email, affected. Issues letters for EMO need, housing and travel. local neighborhood connection : state farm home insurance agent; extreme prejudice caretakers at 196.37/39 45th avenue, auburndale nyc ny 11358. associated: maria unteras, animalist , serial killer 3408 43rd street astoria nyc ny 11101. backed by schultz real estate. 11.14.2022 @ 7.31am

hochul gov nys human hunt dog chase

carolinas secessionist new york state governor hochul is training dogs to chase human beings at the name - aidan- - my pen name- line of concentration involves extreme psycho- physical harm , two codes: 1. Impunity during periods of high collusion from direct to paperwork law enforcement ; 2. heads a cyber- hacking unit; 3. any activity of target is spied, then abuse by excessive application ind invasiveness quote becomes traumatizable enough to cause ever increasing levels of discomfort, pain, systemic failure. Cliche Used: I made you do it. 11.14.2022 @6.40am

Sunday, November 13, 2022

as the pope plans to harbor maria leon, cannibal market and child kidnapper say vatican city as aka Alex Maffei

Vatican Falls World Premiere at The Tank in NYC. Exclusive Engagement: October 27-November 20, 2022—Thurs-Sun article found on web... Vatican Falls Based on factual accounts, spanning decades and set against the backdrop of the continuously-swelling Catholic sex abuse scandal, VATICAN FALLS is a sweeping multi-genre work that follows survivor journeys examining the feelings of shame and confusion that ultimately turn to anger and revenge. This fast-paced, non-linear suspense-thriller jets from Boston to Rome to New York to Los Angeles as our radicalized protagonist falls in love with a Vatican operative and, along with his Fellowship, plots vengeance on the institutional power players that allowed the rape and torture of countless children and young adults. ​ The play features three prominent LGBTQ+ characters including the fellowship leader, Vi, a proud queer whose desire for retribution fuels the group. High Voltage Productions was birthed by Ashley Garrett and Frank J. Avella. HVP produced the award-winning short film, “Fig Jam,” in 2021. Frank J. Avella recently wrote and directed his first film, the multi-award-winning short “Fig Jam.” He is the recipient of an International Writers Residency at Arte Studio Ginestrelle (Assisi, Italy), a Bogliasco Foundation Fellowship, a Helene Wurlitzer Residency Grant and a NJ State Arts Council Fellowship Award. Frank’s feature length screenplays include “Consent,” “Lured,” and “Screw The Cow” which, along with “Fig Jam” and his new short script, “Happy Boy,” have won 33 awards and are selections/finalists in over 200 Festivals/Contests worldwide. He has written numerous plays including “Vatican Falls,” (2021 O’Neill semifinalist), “Lured” (2018 O’Neill semifinalist, produced in NYC & Rome), “Consent” (2x O’Neill semifinalist) and most recently, “Lockdown.” More information about Frank here. Ashley Garrett is an American photographer based in New York. She specializes in production photos for theater, music and dance, and portraits of individuals and groups. A co-founder (with the playwright, director and producer, Frank J. Avella) of High Voltage Productions, Ashley has produced a number of independent and short films, including Fig Jam and Letters from Baghdad. Ashley is excited to be working with Frank in a producing capacity, having photographed many of his plays, including Lured, Consent, and Vatican Falls. www.AshleyGarrett.Photo. @AshleyGarrettPhoto. Is a sweeping, fast-paced suspense thriller, spanning decades and multiple locales, examining truth, power, conscience, forgiveness and revenge. Cast & Crew Ace Young (Riccardo) Actor, Producer, Singer, Songwriter, BMI Pop Award Winner, Broadway star in HAIR & GREASE, Ace Young is a man of many talents. This Grammy Nominated Songwriter has performed for millions on both stage and screen, like American Idol, Bones, World Tours and more. Ace is privileged to share the story of VATICAN FALLS raising awareness and support for survivors everywhere. Carlotta Brentan Carlotta Brentan is a New York-based theater artist specializing in the development of new plays as an actor, producer, director and translator. Stage highlights: World Premieres of Frank J. Avella's Lured, (also co-directed, sold-out runs at Theater for The New City in NYC and OnStage! Festival in Rome), Paolo Bignami’s The Journey I Never Made (Cherry Lane Theatre), Erik Ehn’s Clover (La MaMa ETC) Carlotta is also a film actor, prolific voiceover artist and award-winning audiobook narrator. Alice Barrett (Teresa) Alice Barrett-Mitchell - Theatre: Jake’s Women on Broadway, The Plantation, Major Barbara, Doubt, American Clock, Farhenheit 451, Television: "Heels," "The Thing About Pam," "Chicago Med, " "Billions," “Law & Order: SVU,” “Another World”, many other shows and commercials. Film: Soulmates, Choke, Brooklyn’s Finest, Depraved, Weakness, Twelve, 13, among others. Tucker Aust Tucker Aust (he/him) is a New York based actor and creator. Recent credits include You Can Tell From the Twisted Juniper (Chautauqua Theatre Company), Moonchildren (Theatre 54), and Can't You Tell! (Kraine Theatre, Queerly Frigid Fest Audience Choice Award). He has appeared in several short films, most recently Frank Avella’s Fig Jam. Tucker is also a co-founder of the The Queer Ensemble, a collective of LGBTQ+ performers and artists dedicated to enhancing queer voices in the American Theatre. Edward L Simon (Father David) Brooklyn-based actor, singer and writer. Recent theater credits include Claude in Hair (New Repertory Theatre) and Prince Topher in Rodgers and Hammerstein's Cinderella (Virginia Repertory Theatre). BFA in Musical Theatre from The Boston Conservatory. Currently developing his first solo play "I and Love and You" to premiere in 2023. Thank you to Judy, Frank and Carlotta for bringing me on. For Ben and my parents. Instagram: @edwardsimon23. Danny Hilt (Charlie) Danny Hilt is an actor and writer who can currently be seen as Bomb Tech Aaron Hill on the CBS show, FBI. Other TV and Film credits include: The Deuce, Law & Order: SVU, The Sopranos, Power Book III, What Would You Do, Law & Order, Benji’s Hour (upcoming), American Gangster and the Oscar nominated, Foxcatcher. Some favorite Theater credits include: Good People, Detroit, Straight Faced Lies, Bash, Smiles to Saturn, The Psychiatrist Is Out and King Lear. As a voice over artist he’s voice Show More Gallery Times Square Chronicles Article Press "You won’t find Vatican Falls on any map about picturesque raging waters. No, Frank J. Avella’s new play, Vatican Falls, is, instead, a passionate, sometimes humorous, indictment of the Catholic Church and its long history of concealing the sexual abuse suffered by hundreds of young men at the hands of priests…Ultimately all the individual strands of a complicated story come together in a dramatic flourish." - "I was blown away by this current production. The layers of the story take you on an emotional journey that I believe everyone and anyone can find elements they relate to. The entire cast gives phenomenal, emotional performances that are sure to impact any audience." - TEECO 71 Entertainment Runs October 27th - November 20th

nervine attack and responses

nervine attack perpetrated directly by 196.27/29 45ave auburndale/ flushing nyc ny 11358 37/39 40 .

to induce neural failure/ fainting , not circulatory.

symptoms: an incapacitated neural signal burning and dulling surface of body immediately under the skin.

breath limited due to pain;

neural pressure on temples,  pain dulling immediate area but not the pain signal. Tendency toward fainting.

GMO modified through invasive plants to target only one area of body: my arms.


1. I speculate hydrate; takes too long for counter.effect;

2. analgesics like ibuprofen- took two. not recommended because extensive use or amount can harm liver - which though does regrow.

3. cannabis.worked immediately on first inhalation. neural circulation improved immediately. Plus it has a pain killing effect.

4. MUSIC. at the rate the industry is going make your own.a fast angry beat helps.the rhythm to pushes the neural impulse right through. A fast fast perc and a treble, high pitched string instrument.

Tuesday, November 8, 2022

The Blade

art work stuff, Hammacher Schlemmer

Hammacher Schlemmer: The Monogrammed Buffalo Nickel Pocket Knife

November 8, 2022 The Vote

governor: Loius Antoine St Just born 1767; lieutenant governor: Denis Diderot, born 1713; Judge, Supreme Court : Marcel Duchamp, born 7.28.1887; Judge, Civil Court: Andre Breton, born 1896; State Comptroller: Otto Dix born 12.2.1891; Attorney General: Francois- Marie Arouet pen name: Voltaire; Senator US : Hans Bellmer born 3.13.1902; State Senate: Rene Francois Ghislain Magritte born 11.21.1898; Assembly : Man Ray born 8.27.1890; Congress: Dante Alighieri , born 1165. quote: what is at stake here is a totally new unity of form, meaning and feeling: language- images that cannot simply be thought up or written up...They constitute new,multifaceted objects, resembling polyplanes made of mirrors....As if the illogical was relaxation, as if laughter was permitted while thinking, as if error was a way and chance, a proof of eternity. quote by Hans Bellmer. I voted yes on all Propositions: 1.Environmental Bond Act 2022; 2. Add a Statementof Values to Guide Government; 3. Establish a Racial Equity Office Plan, Commission; 4. Measure the Cost of Living. and fuck the rest who bruit, as Saint Just, a Revolutionary Judge at 17 years of age, wrote.