Tuesday, November 8, 2022

November 8, 2022 The Vote

governor: Loius Antoine St Just born 1767; lieutenant governor: Denis Diderot, born 1713; Judge, Supreme Court : Marcel Duchamp, born 7.28.1887; Judge, Civil Court: Andre Breton, born 1896; State Comptroller: Otto Dix born 12.2.1891; Attorney General: Francois- Marie Arouet pen name: Voltaire; Senator US : Hans Bellmer born 3.13.1902; State Senate: Rene Francois Ghislain Magritte born 11.21.1898; Assembly : Man Ray born 8.27.1890; Congress: Dante Alighieri , born 1165. quote: what is at stake here is a totally new unity of form, meaning and feeling: language- images that cannot simply be thought up or written up...They constitute new,multifaceted objects, resembling polyplanes made of mirrors....As if the illogical was relaxation, as if laughter was permitted while thinking, as if error was a way and chance, a proof of eternity. quote by Hans Bellmer. I voted yes on all Propositions: 1.Environmental Bond Act 2022; 2. Add a Statementof Values to Guide Government; 3. Establish a Racial Equity Office Plan, Commission; 4. Measure the Cost of Living. and fuck the rest who bruit, as Saint Just, a Revolutionary Judge at 17 years of age, wrote.

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