- quant.e. bella giovinezza, che si fugge tuttavia
del doman non c.e. certezza, chi vuol essere lieto sia- lorenzo de medici
a notorious child cannibal conquest type
1. a torture, king maker extreme hate - provencal v. crown orleans persecution, then swabian ca. 1100 quant.e. : conte. for the traumatized it means count but also tale, hell, even newspaper or ad clip, like, oh say...
2. si : extreme belief, unaccented means si yes, provencal languages were known as langue d.oc and langue d.oil, with oil, oc meaning yes. Accented or christ torture makers, it.s halved from cosi' meaning also so, as a consequence, in the manner of, like the termination - ish in english, such as "Jewish" or " newish" or another variant meaning - and- a democratic conjunction of equal equiparation between nouns , used in sentence structure used by the poets of the Dolce Still Novo and by indigenous crown english capture cannibal hunt support " dogs" as " dulce" did that to me once - reminds me of de foe.s prose in its detail of things in journal of the plague years-
AND also HEDGWIG.S ISAAC almost sacrificed as a burnt offering - my ass- by pop. was it Abraham? lorenzo used to get his rocks off shutting people in churches during services and degutting pregnant women to eat the infant. The latter occasionally appears, to this day, in newspaper stories doesn.t it?
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