Sunday, February 14, 2021

here.s magenta, red vinyl finish while 911 works out the lynch mob logistics outside

 9.15pm. mary mittler 4863 211th street bayside hills nyc 11358 wanting to take me then run me out of town after lynching me ready to butcher for cannibal use whatever Irish helps her from st kevin.s, my mother.s housekeeper,upstairs,  secretly northern Italian, feigns being a southern Italian sicilian to kill me by lynching for being too wanton with too many jewish men - she and mittler ain.t seen nothing yet nor will they ever, for who knows them. I called an agency requesting training, a gun permit and where are you and the 111 precinct is going ho. While I work on this post 911 BLOCKS MY PHONE INSTEAD putting it in emergency mode then it pops off now at 9.20pm It.s on again. slowing down my photo upload too as they kidnap more toddler brothel whores from 196.39 45th avenue, with the housekeeper saying in Italian she kicks them because royal, the premier is a Jew, but he.s royal ... Finally off my cell at 9.23pm on st valentine.s day.

Magenta, after the Italian War of Independence, in Red Vinyl Finish.

L.A. Colors Color Crazy #511

george w bush from nbc asks 111 precinct croyden to check my spelling asks himself why Color Crazy is now capitalized, she does just that.

Off to another report...

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