Friday, February 19, 2021

First Paragraph: Novel

 Art for Abstract Nations

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-As it is necessary that all great and surprising events, the designs of which are laid, conducted, and brought to perfection by the utmost force of human invention and art, should be produced by great and eminent men, so the lives of such may be justly and properly styled the quintessence of history. In these, when delivered to us by sensible writers, we are not only most agreeably entertained, but most usefully instructed: for besides the attaining hence a consummate knowledge of human nature in general, of its secret springs,various windings, and perplexed mazes, we have here before our eyes lively examples of whatever is amiable or detestable, worthy of admiration and abhorrence, and are consequently taught, in a manner indefinitely more effectual than by precept, what we are eagerly to imitate or carefully to avoid.-


Henry Fielding. Jonathan Wild. 1743

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