Wednesday, February 24, 2021

a surrealist journal

found at goodwill-by-the-pound 


work in progress



mo. blues from da betta


COUNTER.REVOLUTIONARY 1776 TEXT ALTERING FROM VALLEY STREAM, NASSAU COUNTY,  FOR ITALIAN CROWN BACKED BY NAZI ENEMY COMBATANTS at the muslim/methodist counter of goodwill by the pound, on van dam, switch operated for maria leon neopeon nazi, paul polivko neovilnius nazi, and " the social exterminationists in vilnius, of which I.m part" Infiltrants in NATO, nazi sympathizers.

Second time, over 11 years set up by the 111 precinct, constitutional effects fraud still not resolved.First, a liberal historical analysis of the Revolutionary period, which included the last name - palmer- , as a first presidential run candidate, by marilla palmer, daughter of brooklyn  family court judge. 

 Lu Hsun. Wild Grass. some twenty odd lyrical meditations on nature become instead a leftist hunt for nazi trade-offs by finding it " difficult to speak outright" and caught between a game of thrones " fighting between the warlords of the Fengtien and Chihli cliques, after which I was unable to remain in Peking". In 1934. 

from the big ben at st nicks cassino shrine, and for bruce springsteen, it.s " post revolutionary. no this only goes to maria leon, to me"... rosalita ...

 tore it up

Monday, February 22, 2021

my correspondence with Keanu Reeves



I want you to know that I have received your email together with your personal information, So therefore I will have used your information to fill your form for you to be fully registered as member of mr reeves movie industry fans Keanu Charles Reeves movies industry. 

I also want you to know that you have a little fees to pay before the proces will start on your name. You are to make payment of 980$  USA dollars for your registration form to be approved and process on your mame. Kindly get back to me here so i can provide you with the account information details you will make your payment of registration as a member of Keanu Charles Reeves movie industry fans before you have access to the paying bank for this fund to be released into your own bank account for charity mission.

You have to email him right now ok

I understand the single picture, the contested execute this design use but a single moment of action works when the imagination is less than what presents to the eye.

I don.t have $980 to give you to look good and charitable.but thanks,thanks for thinking of me.

rien va plus.


I don’t since to understand all this

Keanu, right now I don.t have the money, you know? Do you have any to lend me? I can pay you back,too...I need about 1,500...

about ten or so minutes go by, no reply.

hoppity hippity genocide


American Synonyms

 2.22.2021 10.30am 


perfection = pink

abstraction = reverie, brown study, woolgathering

2.22.2021 10.30am 

rosso veneziano

 and what given gift, 

Venice greek,

was this

a blindspot is conceptualized, what is the gamut of pain from a point of recognition to one of comunanza, starting from a glade on the lack of awareness

2.22.2021 at 10.23ayem

Friday, February 19, 2021

So Much for a Homey New York City

 2.19.2021 by -Aidan- Alex Maffei

So Much for a Homey New York City

by - Aidan- Alex Maffei


So Much for a Homey New York City

 2.19.2021 -Aidan- Alex Maffei

First Paragraph: Novel

 Art for Abstract Nations

whozist whatzit and when


-As it is necessary that all great and surprising events, the designs of which are laid, conducted, and brought to perfection by the utmost force of human invention and art, should be produced by great and eminent men, so the lives of such may be justly and properly styled the quintessence of history. In these, when delivered to us by sensible writers, we are not only most agreeably entertained, but most usefully instructed: for besides the attaining hence a consummate knowledge of human nature in general, of its secret springs,various windings, and perplexed mazes, we have here before our eyes lively examples of whatever is amiable or detestable, worthy of admiration and abhorrence, and are consequently taught, in a manner indefinitely more effectual than by precept, what we are eagerly to imitate or carefully to avoid.-


Henry Fielding. Jonathan Wild. 1743

Sunday, February 14, 2021

here.s magenta, red vinyl finish while 911 works out the lynch mob logistics outside

 9.15pm. mary mittler 4863 211th street bayside hills nyc 11358 wanting to take me then run me out of town after lynching me ready to butcher for cannibal use whatever Irish helps her from st kevin.s, my mother.s housekeeper,upstairs,  secretly northern Italian, feigns being a southern Italian sicilian to kill me by lynching for being too wanton with too many jewish men - she and mittler ain.t seen nothing yet nor will they ever, for who knows them. I called an agency requesting training, a gun permit and where are you and the 111 precinct is going ho. While I work on this post 911 BLOCKS MY PHONE INSTEAD putting it in emergency mode then it pops off now at 9.20pm It.s on again. slowing down my photo upload too as they kidnap more toddler brothel whores from 196.39 45th avenue, with the housekeeper saying in Italian she kicks them because royal, the premier is a Jew, but he.s royal ... Finally off my cell at 9.23pm on st valentine.s day.

Magenta, after the Italian War of Independence, in Red Vinyl Finish.

L.A. Colors Color Crazy #511

george w bush from nbc asks 111 precinct croyden to check my spelling asks himself why Color Crazy is now capitalized, she does just that.

Off to another report...

How To Write with Style. Kurt Vonnegut

Saturday, February 13, 2021

Love In Sign Language


21st Century Media Lexical Complications

piquant : cheezwizzy;

galvanized : electrocuted;

locutions : SROs as amenities;

egalitarian : religiously chilly; 

aristocrat: the time it takes to bake sugar cookies at 350 degrees Fahrenheit.


cellphone photography, by cellphone 2.13.2021
Graffiti , Legge Antifascista Stazzemi , anonymous
Chas Addams and Google
Wedge of Chastity, Marcel Duchamp 1954
Genre Allegory (George Washington), Marcel Duchamp 
On Seeing Larry Rivers. Francis Russell O.Hara , New York School of Poets, Abstract Expressionist/ Surrealist techniques 

george washington was shot dead one year into his presidency for betraying The Revolution. The Revolution meaning, the Fight of Those Abducted into Slavery Out of Torture, Cannibalization and Death. george washington meaning The General Who Willed Tricking Those Abducted into Slavery Out of Torture, Cannibalization and Death Right Back into Slavery, Torture, Cannibalization and Death.

animates and man shared a common destiny as food for royalty back then and we are still fighting against it to this very president.s day.