Monday, February 26, 2024

persecution : 2.26.2024

10.45am 2.26.2024 hostage crisis : npr:WNYC BBC NEWS, the adimiketakis, ramones/ rock n roll, bush george, jena commander 111 NYPD make me a hostage for my thought to be repeated

bush is interested in genoserial terrorism in Italy and its parallels to extreme lack : slavery US 

1. similarities work out to x , non threatening,  known to one culture is different in meaning to x, threatening,  known in another 

and in North Central South invasions of a country: 

2. A. 
Central Area of country is Catholic papal nepotism and extreme removal: home invasions and genoserial murders, takeover of accounts and location;

Nepotism, "illegitimate" children of a Catholic Pope generated in brothels 

are the teams that fought the Revolution in 1776 where those for freedom and independence were captured and held prisoner for torture and death in brothels, counter.revoultionary for English capture.

In Italy : 

North is invaded by papal brothels;

South by Venetian Doge children.

so, in conquest and capture, our two countries, Italia and The United States are inextricably and unexplainably bound.

Episode one trillionth: 

bush george creates a rapprochement asking for info on above; once said allows Leon, Maria a pain since rising today to use me as a hostage, so my thought is read and I.m persecuted.

the noise you hear is also my thought but not exclusively.

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