Sunday, January 28, 2024

Liner Notes: Dakota Fanning, Kristen Stewart: Cherry Bomb, written by The Runaways

Liner Notes: Dakota Fanning, Kristen Stewart: Cherry Bomb written by The Runaways 

did they even ask permission to use the song? 

THIS is what put Donald on the ballot again California instead of arranging appointments with a good psychologist he could discuss why he thinks he.s a viable nazi confederate instead of a New Yorker to the Davis family, Jefferson, Gray, and Ashley too!  just to keep him away from the world of drugs while he. s touring Republican America areas that can outdrink him in cooking sherry, not to speak of beer on tap. He must miss ethylated caviar electron cocktails back in old Saint Patrick s crypts.

New York City as spectacle. It is not.

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