Wednesday, January 31, 2024

is there a heaven? - extreme prejudice- music sound shows the unfolding of the line of concentration " is it me? voices are votes

I.d like to think so

Roxy Music - For Your Pleasure
somewhere in the album

Guilt- madden exchange brothel
Richard the 3 persecution 
Ezra Pound - in israel: rentals apts bargains use british pound

whereas: last, last name
tz : zr : house of savoy

from france to Italia 1860
- one of my persecutions 


I can.t breathe

Monday, January 29, 2024

1. 29. 2024 

Alexandra Maffei
196.33 45 ave
Auburndale - flushing for redistricted and gerrymanderers- 
NYC NY 11358


I  request an adjournment 

1. I have not received estate worth or claims on estate.s worth  documentation paperwork from Amy Altman - or any GAL appointed by the court,  notwithstanding repeated need and still unresolved issue to correct fraudulent and discriminatory  claims of incapacitation, for which I want damages paid, restitution and relief from -

nor have I received any writ regarding court procedures, notwithstanding record connected to the probate - 

nor have I received any paperwork from any of the other parties involved, from beneficiaries to business partners, account holders, or self claimed relatives ,the latter never once since even before the probate -

nor have I received any assistance in financial , legal,  life planning , emotional, or caregiving, from any person, agency or entity; 

nor have I received any summary of any interview, action, or report that Amy Altman or any other " GAL" have involved themselves in since the fraudulent creation of the probate. 

I mention this on 1.29.2024 because there is no adequate time to prepare myself and file motions in the competent manner : serious, accurate, non self abusing- the court proceeding or any court proceeding  requires ; 

In addition: 

I want to submit the claim that I am owed moneys not from the estate but from individuals claiming letters of administration since my mother.s death for

1. administering real property and accounts and expenses held by estate holder competently for the past 3 years and their fraud of my  family portfolio of property since 2010 by the 111 NYPD and adimiketakis at 196.33 45 ave auburbdale nyc ny 11358 ; 

2. being interfered with by the 111 precinct NYPD with the payment of claims , victim.s assistance and victim.s compensation at their creating the probate and seizing property through their informers, including the adimiketakis, the de cristofaro and their relatives and friends,  the mittler, the de grouw, the chang, the li aka kim, and others, since my father.s death and cannibalization set by their " notable " connection : the hendricks and cunningham and their contacts to defraud me; 

3. For being defrauded of a million dollars in each financial account held by my mother: Ameritrade, Merrill Lynch and more from other accounts, comfortable with the 111 nypd contacts to the presidency since clinton to insure their share and ability to cover for this war atrocity crime; 

4. For enormous losses resulting from blocking access to the accounts so that, in a trading climate that has seen 6.00 percent money market yearly gains, and 200 percent gain values reflected in stocks like Tesla and Facebook, and for three years since my mother.s death, and for YEARS before through adimiketakis and the 111 NYPD blocking my mother from accessing the accounts. None of her financial team contacted me once.
I did contact all since my mother.s death with no competent or satisfactory response;

5. For refusing to act on constitutionally insured access and benefits to family owned portfolios and reducing my quality of life to beneath subsistence through fraud of HRA, social security benefits, residuals and pensions of my father. s also  through his work at CBS, NBC and exemptions: I only received $238.00 for star tax in 2022 on two houses and refused complaints after the precinct vandalized my property for European crown;

6. For damages suffered by both my mother and me through the interference of the NYPD and adimiketakis, and services arranged by them since 2010; for same at 211.03 50 ave bayside nyc ny 11364 since 1959 and 1969 through the mittler.

In ultima facie:

This email was written by me proving beyond doubt my competency after requesting assistance and never receiving it nor being allowed to use consulting, research facilities from legal counsel and help desks at Queens and New York surrogate courts since 2022 and never receiving even a call back or allowed access to same


for having survived brutish attacks against my person and property  increased outrageously  since October 2023 that have involved bush, NBC, zuckerberg, Queens public library east flushing and Bayside branches, East Hampton library and art galleries, museum access, ID issuance, break ins no sign of forced entry, stolen documents, altered documents, attendance of community council and board meetings, exclusionary practices by ethnic groups that deny the right to diversity in population in residential areas of New York State and City such as white supremacists, asian supremacist, black supremacist, 111 precinct tapped lines  of federal,state and local agencies, fraudulent sanitation fines, IRS , state tax claims , no refunds, arrangement to pay property taxes stolen from my mother from age 65 - sge died at 93; stolen bebefits, inflated bills for water, utility supplies, and refusal to address safety issues: gas at 4646 bell since 8.2022 and electric at 196.33 since 2022 even after more than 50 requests to address emergency conditions by con Ed, filed by me, delays in addressing account management ussues by all accounts held by me and my mother to up to 3,4 hour hold blocks in answering calls lasting days,months,years just to seize property and claim incompetence.

Thank you,

Alex Maffei

IAB : please add to complaints:

2024 - 00708 - HRA fraud 111 NYPD;

2024 - 00707 -  dad.s murder and  cannibalization by NYC "notables": hendricks, cunningham in 1976 to my mother.s in 12. 14. 2021.responsubility in fraud of property and damage to 4646 bell blvd 11361, and prior complaints;

2024 - 31262 : 10. 2023 - 12.30. 2023/ 1.10. 2024 still continuing claims of disruptive behavior and " racial slurs" break ins, stolen documents, reacting food with worse, dirtying premises to consume time and more ;

2024 - 32343 and previous: damage to property 196.33 45 ave auburndale;

RE: probate :

2022- 21503;
2023- 09283.

Thanks, Alex Maffei 

Sunday, January 28, 2024

21ST CENTURY BAD COP ROCK: from Marcy s playground to Marcy.s Corrections East Village- Bayside New York City- Bayside Corrections, New Jersey rock club axes set ups with weird precinct infiltrations to slam artists in prisons.

21ST CENTURY BAD COP ROCK: from Marcy s playground to Marcy.s Corrections  East Village- Bayside New York City- Bayside Corrections, New Jersey  rock club axes set ups with weird precinct infiltrations to slam artists in prisons. 


I never went back again! There I am writing at the table these three burly bitches dressed like yokel trash big enough to house the KKK in their pelvis show up sit next to me. Who knew? I thought they were white supremacists terrorists that staff allowed in the club.I found that grounds enough never to go back. It must be some set up network:a base player looks at her nails and keeps for them while playing, an  earlier visit I start a chat just to start a chat, hello what have you at the bar, the girlfriend gets indignant and jealous, I thought how odd,  everybody there dressed creatively, except the table I was sitting at first. CAN YOU BELIEVE THIS SHIT. I AM NEVER GOING BACK AGAIN TO EITHER VENUES.THINK.OF WHAT BROOKLYN  STEEL SETS UP, MAN. crazy. I abandoned coney island baby for good after some cheap piece of trash said I could be her whore.I get jostled to leave by two the beauty bar - I had to put up with  cheesy  mise en scene : a victorian dutch slave trade hovel bashes the bathroom door down while I.m in there tells me not to come back again - there writing again- it.s like saudi arabia and uganda in the east village. woo. Never. 

What.s next? Lincoln Center setting up concert goers for a long stay in the Tombs for attending Mozart.s  Zauberflaute. This is fucking crazy off the wall.

Liner Notes: Dakota Fanning, Kristen Stewart: Cherry Bomb, written by The Runaways

Liner Notes: Dakota Fanning, Kristen Stewart: Cherry Bomb written by The Runaways 

did they even ask permission to use the song? 

THIS is what put Donald on the ballot again California instead of arranging appointments with a good psychologist he could discuss why he thinks he.s a viable nazi confederate instead of a New Yorker to the Davis family, Jefferson, Gray, and Ashley too!  just to keep him away from the world of drugs while he. s touring Republican America areas that can outdrink him in cooking sherry, not to speak of beer on tap. He must miss ethylated caviar electron cocktails back in old Saint Patrick s crypts.

New York City as spectacle. It is not.

visual notes: surfing the web 1.28.2024

Liner Notes: heart shaped ring - 1. 28. 2024

Liner Notes, heart shaped ring 1. 28. 2024 

christina alexiou, the sham jeweler, proposes it: well-balanced and calming in its beauty with four duds. 


Take the ring, don.t look back and don.t use credit or a check. She.ll report you , you file a complaint to get her team of gunk off your back. 

untitled - Alex Maffei - Aidan - 1. 28. 2024:

wild cool shoes - Shein

Thursday, January 18, 2024

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Joel Meyerowitz : Huxley Parlour Opening, London January 18 2024

Joel Meyerowitz : Huxley Parlour Opening January 18 2024

Early morning mist, rising, Tuscany, Italy 2002

Sunday, January 14, 2024

what it means to be a citizen in 2024 - first post of the year-

what it means to be a citizen in 2024
- first post of the year- 

to find NBC a cheap serial soft homey porn network?

Thursday, January 11, 2024

untitled - Alex Maffei 1. 11. 2024

Untitled - Alex Maffei 1. 11. 2024

It.s something off
It.s something thrown off.
It.s the discrepancy between the locale and those inhabiting it to hunt to feed a trite vision decided by them to everyone.

It smells fresh of disappearance. 

I guess statements they fed  gore and gristle cows to vacancies absent by sound 


trespassers marrying force fed squatters.

only reality around. hear ye, hear a borne bound. ho ho ho.