Saturday, September 2, 2023

writers guild nepotism: the children of crown marriages leading to the 30s code now veers out of constitutional citizenship

writer.s guild east - afl-cio responsible for extreme hate- so it.s an innie relationship with hollywood.developments in the mediumwill be interesting, the internal familial should veer off the coast into a fecal pool to ingest within a successor generation for a mission membership,

so, with Hollywood - first the code, tgen marriages to european crown,then the generational blacklist in the 50s, connected to crown correction ties, then spies opposing vietnam for extreme belief missions, then now the new genocidal as extreme hate.

removed my follow from their x.tweeter page because I.m - too Italian - 

" what do you mean by Italian? "

" like persecuted, like a social leper"

an entire new field is opening to us, just as modern/ contemporary art did after the impressionists refused to support the Academies.s work for slavery.

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