Tuesday, January 14, 2025


The Spice Rack, column:  


Christine Johnson, 111 NYPD organize another shout out match for English crown to torture me at the beginning of the day, about 4.40am 1.15. 2025.

Rock and roll is reorganizing the noise to fit new parameters of torture. zaremba and adimiketakis are repeating my thoughts since waking. Will reinsert Leon as a groupie. They say Eno works wonders. Eno saves the world as I sideline tailgates. 

 don.t kill cheap claim a war meal 

a saucier
mental gaps
that scene from rumble fish
remove hours listening to for your pleasure, virginia plain  

I think of a loss, time : mother of pearl. 
a glass carrying small poisons. 

I think of nothing. 

 noise in transport transport a mosh pit  standing room only alienation only put out work piece meal notable vocationals 

I can.t look 
I don.t have a voice

a lenient acceptance of change
a hold up
walk off with Watch This Man 
Queen Bitch just one line, please
hijack Nosferatu 
kiss my ass
kiss Santa Monica banking, department of finance, water and sewer bills and home insurance goodbye
immediate hits
kiss who goodbye, Ingmar Bergman in one gin joint only as he points a gun at you under arrest. haha. always had. hahaha. 

I can.t look you.ll say see
The Invisible Man 

I also don.t see myself as having a future in an area of New York City, biohazarded my yard, molded my roof,  continues to damage my property defraud me plan me as a meal refuse me police assistance refuse me housing assistance refuses me representation and self representation in court refuses me the right of companionship the right to work sterilized me shit occluding plastics in my veins at shelters for the jagger  club, shaved my teeth, contaminates my food, steals only one or two markers from my worktable because leon.s, switched my books, stole Steal This Book by Hoffman proceeded to slander me through her 

and then

blocks for isolation in all creative work. From Leon : you better believe it, she says, through all mediums, and through her. Me since 1982 started w Bowie: an offered video job 
 blocked by leon - precedent in sloppy filmaking-  and portnoy - me in forensics forever-  with a temporary escort a beau a lesbian for a future sterilization, and  collusion supported cunningham.s reinsertion in the police, dishonorable,  and through clinton and   hoover.s FBI  family members,  dishonorable, both " Ashley" on a constant tap for confederates and maria unteras who with Leon started warmed New York City to my return and a 2:2 111 NYPD supplied brave heart sig shield killed my father through capillary Hendricks/  Cunningham families during the Vietnam war across the board. and how that happens on  small Saturday,  knitting romance novel  heterosexual generational ties into no mention parties, get togethers that discuss which family member to knock off, who to kidnap out of the country, who to kill eventually starved and tortured ,  black mold,  underground somewhere else for a king. 

This is speechless. Aphasic. 
I refuse to speak to you. 
I refuse.
I refuse nothing.
I refuse. 

Rock and Roll is deciding to back Leon through Madden family for a variety of reasons, including  retentions of rich of beautiful of want 

should there be want there should be no want here should there be...

Blocks access to venues through gray cafe - Davis family wanting my murder to ease capillary

Am refused service locally without a potential for my false arrest or - gotten rid - of Rikers. 

am refused service at cafes without a count 
where refusing service is customer abuse.

am refused service from bay terrace mall 
to flushing Bank of America, where your balance is scratched on a paper  scrap, where one middleman reigns at the greeting desk, where you need to set an appointment to change the pin they screw up to steal $100.00 at the teller.s, by the teller.s, at the Bayside/ Northern Blvd branch. FBI sent in old SS and confederate families from Fed Plaza tell you you re a bank robber. Hold open the door for National Geospatial fed through notable false arrest contracts.

 as nobody saying info.s not corrupt. 

It.s all okay on a personal level. It s sooo okay I feel lithium burn its generic gender pyre on my skin. 

 I.ll sue
I guess 

also for sterilization and abuse making my life under constitutional charters impossible to sustain for the past 15 years through Leon. 43 years of persecution. Of dull accompanied attachments, like Alias Sammartino / Keech/ Maffei through Cunningham Patton. I had a Patton slob glued to my back from 10 to 19 when I was grabbed from Italy by a double keyed lock on my front door because I found no worth in Adolph Hitler. Wye plantation personnel too. 

With Jamaica there needing to exfoliate its sudden Irish and Italian population loss Greenpoint East Village its bohemians during Warhol. s Dewey 20s. 

Sikhs at the 111 NYPD handcuffed behind processed. How are reports not flimsy in the face of such loss. How am I not a state removed who am I within the puffer jacket and of these things: 

no longer a friend to rock and roll. I can stand around, can maybe we'll as a musician but never anymore as a friend, lover, and.

The police send an Eno lookalike toward me, as I clean the front yard bushes destroyed.  then a police  car speeding from my blind sight, behind,  had I flung myself to the simulacra.d. it should happen even as a gauged pressure release. 

And I cannot look at you so, it works. 

it worked, then.

they didn.t say it was to allow a capillary war criminal block for capillary to euro crown the US.

for this job Cunningham inserts and reinserts the Madden. I.ll.go, Madden will follow. I will not. They kidnap in  court rooms. Back door you, slam you in a van, call you an abortion,  shackle you, no trial involved, you seized to court  for non existent proceedings, then seized from there, then landed in, then repacked in shackles,  lawyers arm to shoot their way out of family court in Queens to liberation. I.ll arm for 2, 4 Amendment issues in an emergency services rescue team less world. 

well, Brian Eno did change the world. 

But not for me. 

Ben Leon bought all the rolling stones  cd.s I threw out after slave making abuse heaped on me from rolling stones daughters. I didn. t know of Jagger.s weight in name making Lucy Brown and what culpability in Santa Monica. 
kept things quiet. I may crack Quadrophrenia as soon as it s Amazon delivered, throw its holo remains on my sidewalk they can eat that too as my relative. 

and I may NEVER homage or tribute or even listen to Elsinore rock everywhichwhere nook and cranny on their way to granny.s to Anglican hymn my life away from BREXIT.

such a steady burn. a steady, steady burn they try to pass off as lust. 

His team.s arrests entrac.te the future me its little fox nothing. He unscathed even by me.
which I find enormously amusing, and worthy of escape.

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