Saturday, August 12, 2023

foie gras forgery: the ramones y heifers again and on WIKIPEDIA ! nonetheless


found surfing the web after searching for mardi gras: carnavale sweets; then Jacopo da Lentini from a departure from reality of the wiki  text .
the gonzales watercolor shows a steady hand of aces.

Targeted: also Italian state police through miller, queens community board 11. Vying for queenship of Bayside donated her by Charles the third as a frequent questuant through this line of concentration/ destruction, now lasting 13 years, 24/7.

serial sforza/ san vittore hackers plus maria leon : fossoli concentration camp - bash and won.t let go of this:

in red: Jacopo da Lentini poeti siciliani, 1200-1260;

on wikipedia, is a montefeltro, urbino coded ethnic cleansing job by maria leon/ johnson family carolinas/ cbs terrorist group, the persecution of Toledo, Spain, an interfaith center of studies in Medieval Europe. Male resembles leon, and more people associated with new york dutch slave trade y plantations. 

Dates given for fra Carnavale are : 1420-1484 at urbino court so a mussolini, benito sforza family san vittore/ rikers jail, queens new york city job if you humor have reddish hair.maybe if you wear red.

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