Friday, December 30, 2022

more mergers , column

our flag in our deployment against octavian augustus - doric greek free cities

langue d.oil, persecution

Dutch Schultz and Lucky Luciano were military Dept of Defense, much like Lee Harvey Oswald, and deployed.

newark new jersey conlon- kennedy, clinton , irs dewey - leopold of hapsburg dutch slave trade downtown nyc - were confederate trash.invebted transcript. 

Whitey Bulgur was targeted by the leon, cannibal trade: extreme prejudice for same reasons.

Just found out, from sandra marzella, hughues same side as conlon,dewey: "disfunction" term used by them  means any wounding, permanent - to my eye, caused by incident and maybe post incident in sleep- or temporary through lines of concentration, as sketched by Leonardo da Vinci.

Last Words of Dutch Schultz: This is Insane

today.s copy 12.30.2022 @ 12.01pim

What it means to be a US citizen in almost 2023 or a Bayside NYC homeowner

principles of art history, column : lorenzo de medici - quant.e. bella giovinezza

- quant.e. bella giovinezza, che si fugge tuttavia
del doman non c.e. certezza, chi vuol essere lieto sia- lorenzo de medici

a notorious child cannibal conquest type 
1. a torture, king maker extreme hate -   provencal v. crown orleans persecution, then swabian  ca. 1100 quant.e. : conte. for the traumatized it means count but also tale, hell, even newspaper or ad clip, like, oh say...
2. si : extreme belief,  unaccented means si yes, provencal languages were known as langue d.oc and langue d.oil, with oil, oc meaning yes. Accented or christ torture makers, it.s halved from cosi' meaning also so, as a consequence,  in the manner of, like the termination - ish in english, such as "Jewish" or " newish" or another variant meaning - and- a democratic conjunction of equal equiparation between nouns ,  used in  sentence structure used by the poets of the Dolce Still Novo and by indigenous crown english capture cannibal hunt  support " dogs" as " dulce" did that to me once - reminds me of de foe.s prose in its detail of things in journal of the plague years- 
AND also HEDGWIG.S ISAAC almost sacrificed as a burnt offering - my ass- by pop. was it Abraham?  lorenzo used to get his rocks off shutting people in churches during services and degutting pregnant women to eat the infant. The latter occasionally appears, to this day, in newspaper stories doesn.t it?

Sunday, December 25, 2022

impossible to post photos.blocked by lower race circuit. 12.25.2022 @ 7.07pm jena bush refuses me access to America.

nothing more to say.

" that.s my people there.I just want them to hate no good sow.I bet if you you eaten your mother. they did and good for them." 

jena bush set up a minor.s name aidan to kill me at 196.28 45th ave Auburndale nyc ny 11358.same kid involved in creating mobs to rush homeowners away from Independence Day celebrations and their homes.

I.m not forgiving this.

in memory of so many things

blogger not uploading my pictures to sell them to the white/ macy.s thanksgiving parade through its genocidal indian contact, female


what it means to be US citizens in 2022/2023

what it means to be a US citizen in 2022/2023

watch/ listen a series of drunken nuns cut a hit single for a local scene of poaching serfs to game you in a cannibal hunt.

What it means to be a US citizen in 2022/2023

determine sotheby.s equestrian architecture a poorly built reference to your own house, with several trick bathrooms attached to the foyer.

Friday, December 23, 2022

concentration camps for southern italians and disabled

miloni wants all southern italians disabled first in concentration camp-

miloni meridionali ,  disabili prima internati in campi di concentramento

23.12.2022 @ 7.00pm

lunch poems frank o hara

Frank O Hara : Lunch Poems

doesn.t it FEEL in a time zone away alternate existence from Frank, and the time when these poems were written? 

TNYT plans a collapse in the arts as war atrocity

Thursday, December 22, 2022

new york punk and axis collusion to Mons corrections, Belgium using Rimbaud as bait

below, done to my property by 4644 bell blvd , in continuation of mons belgium - contact.s adimiketakis, mons the prison hosting paul verlaine after altercation with rimbaud, no complaint made by rimbaud. verlaine.s behavior was extraconstitutional, or part of a defective circuit.

Monday, December 19, 2022



I would like to present the following issues, understanding that, what I refer to as 
"extreme" , " persecution" and " line of concentration"  are war atrocities.should you need clarification, contact the Office of I telligence and the Department of Defense, hell, X - files : 

1. There is an extreme hate, belief, prejudice development that has been working its way within europolitics since the clinton administration;

2. This trend has led to extensive persecution of all citizens, in particular US by way of line of concentration;

3. that this line has been decried, today, as engaged in by georgia miloni, and cohorts, who seized power in Italia on 9.25.2022 and 
has been using nazi terminology and greetings in the latest europarliament meet regarding the next budget;

4. that the intention of 3. is to seize ALL CITIZENS who she refers to as 
"disadapted" , citizens with psychological/ psychiatric  issues, even in the US and mass murder them : won.t you join that particular bandwagon. 

as a consequence I think it.s best to veer toward cannabis/ vitamin B and opium and  derivatives,  found by writers such as William Burroughs as having the least deleterious effect on human biology with the exception of addiction- for treatment of situations such as PTSD and involve the FDA in banning neuroleptics for damage done to the neurological system. thorazine was; 


engage citizens in education on war atrocities, to effectively  counteract them;


to declare   euthanasia, voluntary and involuntary, extraconstitutional, and redistrict US territory in states that have allowed for such legislation to pass,with the urgency this situation entails.


insure if needed home care doesn.t wear its scrubs outdoors or clunk a person with a residential address to seize its lodgings for a future sliding ease in blitzkriegging the US


I just don.t want to hear it ANYMORE.

good job on the trend for reduced stay in hospitals, 

Season.s Greetings,

Alex Maffei

Sunday, December 11, 2022

texture, material

white family.s spy karma martell, fort hamilton parkway - may as well be living in the now defunct Sutton Place Landfill- wants to know what I would do with this, to sell the idea, leave me with nothing etc. In my mind, which is advice that would turn them blue and kill a toddler for food, is that both cotton and wool blend are too stiff to wear so close to the skin but in a blend removing the wool because you can.t sanitize wash it to keep healthy - with some wool simile- so wool should be worked tenderly,delicately and worn close to the skin in a non polluted environment- possibly the stiffness - no crevices to bust your nails when cleaning - and stitching especially can be used as an impermeable textile to "rival" polyurethane in mock too soft and peels. use that where it doesn.t peel.

Friday, December 9, 2022

Monekin Rock Group Invading New York City for three Verona connected cannibal slave rings

Manekin Rock Group Crown Nazi in NYC on prowl with Marseillaise contingent for Yves St Laurent : intellectual theft two counts : pant leg through rock n roll south of Houston contingent, and my lighting in photography - cell, through white family / macy.s also- through southern france contingent - persecution by swabians ca.1100- that killed actor Jean Paul Belmondo  french citizen, profession actor: for being Italian, just recently.

My hand hurts like crazy so ace bandaged it.