Tuesday, October 12, 2021

THE VESSEL OF REVOLUTION CAN ARRIVE AT PORT ONLY ON A SEA REDDENED BY TORRENTS OF BLOOD: what english crown thinks is Louis Antoine de Saint Just.s friend and peer

Jean-Joseph Tenaert: The Arrest of Robespierre on the Night of 9-10 Thermidor , Year Two

 Louis Antoine de Saint Juste quoted as saying anaironically :

" Keep cool and you command everybody"

" In every revolution a dictator is needed to save the state by force, or censors to save it by virtue," 

with this adding to the true nature of his character:

" one does not make revolution by halves"

" When human statecraft attaches a chain to the feet of a free man * , whom it makes a slave in contempt of nature and citizenship, eternal justice rivets the other end about the tyrant.s neck"

* a practice done by dutch slave trade to immigrants in the US.porters would chain their ankles on disembarking and carry them off with all their property, this post english civil war through the revolution.New York misrepresented as having shaken off english crown rule after a year of occupation, deserted by washington, had to wait until the treaty of Paris in 1783 to gain independence as a free country.

how does this awareness of tyranny support,plausibly, ascribing St Just a literality  to statements like: 

" in every revolution a dictator is needed to save the state by force, or censors to save it by virtue" 

when he means dictators rape for similar features, and censors self.debase by murdering their own children to substitute them with the dictator.s, or king. 

claimed by bourbon crown critics as having supported robespierre against danton, both the latter and saint juste jacobins, how is that sustainable when these are St Just.s statements about factions, and robespierre.s terror, his declaring himself dictator and god:

- I belong to no faction, I shall fight against them all-

- the revolution has grown cold, all it's principles are weakened.there remains only red caps worn by intriguers.the exercise of terror has made crime blase', as strong liquors made the palace blase'.- 

how can you say liquors refers necessarily to alcohol? palace could be an inhabitation defrauded from animals, with steeples, a castle, a malebolgian situation, a protestant church.

what you do understand is what is still going on today- on tv. robespierre must have offered to integrate war atrocities into revolutionary society as crime, revolutionaries in forensics as mad, which led to: 

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