Thursday, July 15, 2021

The Sea Is Awash With Roses - Frank O Hara

 poem of an author who never even tried to publish a collection in disapperance on the web, unfindable in recent collections of O Hara.s work.

aside: you want to understand Finnegan.s Wake by James Joice? try thinking yourself as seen as Irish from a fluvial town even in New York City and pay attention to the surroundings.

The Sea Is Awash With Roses - Frank O.Hara

The Sea is awash with roses O they blow

Upon the land

The Still hills fill with their scent

O the hills flow on their sweetness

As on God.s hand

O love, it is so little we know of pleasure

Pleasure that lasts as the snow

But the sea is awash with roses O they blow

Upon the land 

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