Monday, May 10, 2021

Frieze New York City 2021

 Liner Notes 5.10.2021:

The Best Pick of New York Frieze 2021 a melange of bad basel art and phillips auction catalogue.

Like so many things these days, glad I stayed at home and saved the money. It.s like populist academia insignificant and bloody gunk.

the resentment for not being able to kill  American art is over, or in stall, the serial tendency still visible, nature.s choice of coffin fare applied to one.s near and dear instead.

the pencil perfect repro of an early 1800s carriage dress and shawl with vegetables as a head? that.s the painter.s actual sister by way of mother in junior high school sketch from Roy Lichtenstein.s original inspiration material without a trace of irony. and humorless too. for all its use of lites, brites, and cheery, the tribute is still to serial killing bacteria farming ranchers.

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