Thursday, May 20, 2021

another nazi New York myth debunked


even in the freewheeling 70s

 where a hamilton / davis combo spells - had a vis, milton" to the objection to the Languedoc persecution " a la Maison, he dis - Provence" jethro tull brings their contribution to the cromwellian massacres 

Saturday, May 15, 2021

ambiguities : brigarte milano

 Brigarte Milano facebook page 5.15.2021 L.immagine che usate nel post del 23 aprile dell.operaia " Rosie The Riveter" creata per indicare l.impiego nella produzione in munizioni durante la seconda guerra mondiale contro i nazifascisti va spiegata, se appoggiate ferlinghetti corner, e se appoggiate ferlinghetti la tecnica usata da lui, l.appropriazione di immagini o simboli di concezioni democratiche, egalitarie come la bandiera dello stato della carolina , la gadsen flag va intesa come pratica genocida a sostituzione, e quindi sostegno all.invasione eversiva di Washington DC ne 6 gennaio 2021 seguita ad un atto rivoluzionario democratico del sequestro del podio di Pelosi perche. lo usava per organizzare "spedizioni fasciste punitive" via connessioni repubblica di salo. a san francisco per non menzionare connessioni della corona inglese nells morte di Pasolini . queste sono ambiguita. di discorso che limitano notevolmente ogni interesse diretto che la vostra associazione possa creare a facebook, quindi per favore, chiarire- text 646.861.9691 prefisso USA.

Monday, May 10, 2021

Wyeth.s Christina.s World Uses Me as a Code for Serial Enemy Combatant Attacks on Citizens and Democracies Worldwide



Andrew Wyeth.s Christina.s World 1948  alterations were for art world supporters of marilla palmer, her battleplan against me, all my ideas, all my options to work and work put in society. This sustained by Torrance Art Museum, who, along with palmer and king will deny it at an opportune moment to seize people and intern them as paranoid in psych hospitals, from which they receive 10 to 15 percent of hospital room daily rent .

"Look at where she.s relegated to no support at all except official."

Torrance Art Museum, California : " we.ll use this painting to distribute tb next. and we.ll use our Italian allies next to her until she accepts us and becomes a slave of someone famous at least".

" we don.t mind her being a slave.only asians!.we don.t want animals here brutish.we want to eat snd torture them and cannibalize like the rich" on the phone with the new chief of police. 

" the new battle of bayside has begun!"

my mother.s already on the phone.

The chief says my mother has no reason to worry as long as I get killed by some sort of disease, accident.

The community will be run into the ground by all captains, on a line of fire, until removed. the next will pick up do the same where the previous left off.

The New York Times is preparing to wage war on me - and people like me who don.t accept my daughter and my  pedophily - 

steven king and king fans want me out of publishing.

Frieze New York City 2021

 Liner Notes 5.10.2021:

The Best Pick of New York Frieze 2021 a melange of bad basel art and phillips auction catalogue.

Like so many things these days, glad I stayed at home and saved the money. It.s like populist academia insignificant and bloody gunk.

the resentment for not being able to kill  American art is over, or in stall, the serial tendency still visible, nature.s choice of coffin fare applied to one.s near and dear instead.

the pencil perfect repro of an early 1800s carriage dress and shawl with vegetables as a head? that.s the painter.s actual sister by way of mother in junior high school sketch from Roy Lichtenstein.s original inspiration material without a trace of irony. and humorless too. for all its use of lites, brites, and cheery, the tribute is still to serial killing bacteria farming ranchers.