Tuesday, March 16, 2021

medicinal spices, bad backs and the nigerian slave trade

 Mike.s resistance

medicinals 3.16.2021

cloves, oregano

cloves :

1. fight off  cancers, 

2.benefit liver,

3. manganese in cloves is good for shock - a mild anaesthetic, improves brain functions, builds strong bones, helps in the production of hormones,

4. antibacterial - resolves e.coli attack.some in my coffee - these days I.m partial to crema and gusto, lavazza- cleared my sinuses, exploded at first at the sides of my forehead, then centered in top.middle. it felt like a sudden burst of activity and communication among gangli.

after about a half hour, my back pain.s gone.bettern ibuprofen.I.m having hardness, pain and blo ks.I had muscular lumps at the height of my heart, then topnsmall of my back then over the main pelvic top bones, where they round off a hole.

It.s a Nigerian slave trade trait- a back used to a curve so a long torso and legs shorter than a proportional relationship would be packed to the sides of the hull.many were chained at the neck inches above the ground, forced in a forward squat with severely compressed bent legs . Backs adjust to traits that don.t break them, I guess. So now I massage my back where it hurts - for seconds to avoid a sudden release of blood flow that could induce a stroke, and am changing sleep patterns to a straighter leg situation.

During this healing I need to be extremely careful to not overtax my body at all. At the slightest over.extension, picking up a heavy object, bending too frequently, I take breaks.


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