Friday, March 18, 2022

Happy Padraig.s Day!

Virtual Address by Volodymyr Zelenskyy, President of the Ukraine, to the United States Congress


Considering the considerable mistranslations of the speech which included it seems, a get well card to the American English russian orthodox heifer.s " sisters" , I found Congress.s COMPLETE disregard of the interference one of the most inspiring moments in The Continental Army.s history. Because that.s what Congress is.The Continental Army, Treaty of Paris, 1783. AND it.s teaching me how to fight, too, with great dignity, when a great trampling underfoot of all dignity is taking place.

News snippets from newsday, 3.16.2022

Saturday, March 12, 2022

costume jewelry, boston proper

independent and free and loving, especially considering the throwing of the people.s  bodies in ditches in the Ukraine, shown on RAInews,  Italian TV, federal funding. pay backs are hell. I.m in a state of rage at the thought and need to calm. makes me think of Suffolk. best imagining of dangle. 

Friday, March 11, 2022

liner notes: it.s not the sappy love song that kills the people, it.s the heifer in the love song that kills the people

what if one were to reconsider all popular love songs in the1900s not descriptions of acceptable lover mores, but  set ups by prim, proper, serial heifer bigots? 

Tuesday, March 1, 2022

incongruous secrets of conquest by way of marriage and incest tragedies

pictured above : doric columns, greek free state archaic

below: extreme lack of communication broken 25,000.00 years ago by Siddharta Gautama, also known as Buddha

column: flutes = body: cloth

where columns are bodies
and flutes the lure of a fold to abduct cloth, 
The Proemium of The Iliad
Mac Sheath.s kid gloves
and pie - eyed pipers on a worldwide war atrocity traipse 

the abduction of the  word of a fellow, spoken in warning, spoken in friendship, jumbled or thrown so far away from its origin it can.t be heard.