Saturday, January 30, 2021

Ecologically Sound Insignificance

 These photos taken from an article by L.Espresso N.3 January 10, 2021.

It.s so called ecologically aware farming.I see it as disease inducing and  cannibal, extremely invasive practices in terms of the photobioreactor extracting nutrients from algae by way of light and should nurture, not extract from a live being. this is in Iceland, the article: Energia pulita e ortaggi di serra Parte dall' Islanda la strada per salvare la Terra. By Stefano Liberti Simone Tramonte. First it must use excreta or material unable to provide plants with necessary minerals for a healthy growth, the article details their practice not using earth for the growth of greens, and the conditions portrayed in the treatment of cattle is cruel, inhuman and disease inducing, which resulted in covid and is a blatantly predictable next epidemic as a new tuberculosis spread by food considering the overabundance of milk products sold to us in supermarkets that use unpasteurized milk, with terms like bacterial and cultured reflecting a concealment if excreta, and glandular too - enzymes- in the milk products.this is the cruel and inhuman punishment in the  reality of claims of no antibiotics given to animals grown for consumption, which, as a principle,needs to be looked into as well. Only the need for luck in the draw removes our focus from improving the planet.s existence. I don.t see why our diets would not be improved by eating more food generated to sustain a new life, like nuts, fruit, grains, not pregnant may have a beneficial approach in terms of proper growth within our own bodies as well.

Due to the extreme lack, and hate evident in the photos these are matters that need international mobilization by the military as well, including NATO and  the United Nations.